


HOME > Naadam

  ◆1st Naadam

We organized the First Mongolian Cultural Exchange Festival in Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo on Sunday, 9 Oct. 2011. The festival attracted over 400 attendees and among the activities were:
1) a Mongolian wrestling competition;
2) a traditional Mongolian concert with music, song and dance;
3) a presentation of the traditional Mongolian yurt; and
4) an exhibition of traditional Mongolian costumes.

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  ◆2nd Naadam

Organization of the Second Mongolian Cultural Exchange Festival (Naadam in Mongolian) in Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo on Sunday, 7 Oct. 2011. The festival attracted over 300 attendees and among the activities were:

The opening ceremony of Festival. Geri Gerile (central) is a member of an executive board for this Foundation. She is working at MathWorks Company in Tokyo.


1) Mongolian wrestling competition with 64 participants

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2) Traditional Mongolian concert with music, song and dance

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3) Presentation introducing the traditional Mongolian yurt

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4) Exhibition of traditional Mongolian costumes

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5) Teaching of the traditional Mongolian alphabet, poems and songs to children

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