Our Activities in 2011



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The Foundation for Mongolian Culture received 2700$ from the “MathWorks Social Mission 2010” in support of innovation. This funding has proven very useful and has served as a great encouragement to our foundation.

This year (2011), the Foundation for Mongolian Culture has carried out five large-scale activities as may be seen below:

33.jpg 1. On the 29 March 2011, the members of the Foundation for Mongolian Culture raised relief funds the money for the Great East Japan Earthquake of 11 March 2011. We collected a total of JPY 183,356 which was donated to Higashi-Matsushima City, Japan.

2. We provided food for 400 peoples on 31 March 2011 for the earthquake victims in Higashi-Matsushima City, Japan.

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3. This year the foundation has offered scholarships to over 60 Mongolian children in 20 schools. The 2700$ received from the “MathWorks Social Mission 2010” made up part of the funding for these scholarships.

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4. On the 23 April 2011, the foundation have held an academic meeting and invited the Vice-President of Inner Mongolia University, Professor Chimeddorj Jakhtai to give a talk on present issues and the state of Mongolian studies in China.

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5. We organized the First Mongolian Cultural Exchange Festival in Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo on Sunday, 9 Oct. 2011. The festival attracted over 400 attendees and among the activities were:
1) a Mongolian wrestling competition;
2) a traditional Mongolian concert with music, song and dance;
3) a presentation of the traditional Mongolian yurt; and
4) an exhibition of traditional Mongolian costumes.

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Our Activities

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